The first cumulative refresh (CR) for IBM Connections 5.5 was made available on IBM Fix Central on 16 May 2016.
To plan your update to IBM Connections 5.5 CR1, use the documents below to get started. Be sure to review the Upd a te s tra t egy for IBM Con n ect i ons 5 . 5 for important notes, software requirements for integrated products, and installation instructions.
- Upd
a te s tra t egy for IBM Con n ect i ons 5 . 5
- Fix
lis t fo r IB M Co n nec t ion s 5. 5 C R 1
- Fix Central download link for the 5.5 CR1 package (5.5
.0.0 -IC- Mult i-CR 01-L O886 0 2 )
- Upda
ting the IBM Con nect ions 5.5 dat abas es t o th e re quir ed s chem a ve rsio ns f or C umul ativ e Re fres h 1 (CR1 )
- And if you have integrated Cognos Metrics in your Connections 5.5 environment, also review IBM
Cogn os W izar d fo r IB M Co nnec tion s 5. 5 Cu mula tive Ref resh es ( CRs )
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