If you've had to change the passwords for your Connections database user, you'll know this is not a straightforward process. I went through it late last week and documented it for reference. Hopefully this will save you some time if you need to do the same. Execute the steps exactly as listed, especially the timing of restarts. Failing to restart a particular component at the indicated time may lead to unpredictable results.
Step 1: Stop all application server nodes
Stop all application server JVMs. Leave the deployment manager and node agents running.
Stop all application server JVMs. Leave the deployment manager and node agents running.
Step 2a: Update WAS data sources (GUI option)
If you use this option, skip Step 2b. Note: This option can take a long time due to the need to update alias information individually for nearly two dozen aliases.
If you use this option, skip Step 2b. Note: This option can take a long time due to the need to update alias information individually for nearly two dozen aliases.
- Connect to the administration console
- Navigate to Security -> Global security -> Java Authentication and Authorization Service -> J2C authentication data
- Sort on the User ID column and locate the entries for the database user (e.g. LCUSER)
- For each alias bound to the database user:
- Click the alias name
- Update the password
- Click OK
- Click Save
- Sync the nodes
- Restart the deployment manager
Step 2b: Update WAS data sources (wsadmin option)
If you use this option, skip Step 2a. Note: This option is much faster than the first option.
If you use this option, skip Step 2a. Note: This option is much faster than the first option.
- Copy the upda
teJ2 CDat abas eAli ases script (see below) to a directory on the deployment manager system. For this example, I'll use C:\IBM\Scripts - Start wsadmin as the primary admin user
- Type sys.argv = ["new_password"] and press Enter
- Type exec
file ('C: /IBM /Scr ipts /Upd ateJ 2CDa taba seAl iase s.py ') and press Enter - Confirm that the script runs without errors
- Sync the nodes
- Restart the deployment manager
Step 3a: Update Cognos Content Store credentials (GUI option)
Use this option for any system with a GUI available. If you use this option, skip Step 3b. Note: The Cognos application server and associated components should not be running at this time.
- Run the following command: <Cog
nosB I_In stal l_Di r>\C ogno sBI\ bin6 4\co gcon fig. ba t - Navigate to Local Configuration -> Data Access -> Content Manager -> IBM Cognos Content Store
- Update the User ID and password field by clicking the edit button to the right
- Click the Save button in the toolbar
- Close IBM Cognos Configuration and click No when prompted to start the service
Step 3b: Update Cognos Content Store credentials (No GUI option)
Use this option for any system that does not have a GUI available. If you use this option, skip Step 3a. Note: The Cognos application server and associated components should not be running at this time.
Use this option for any system that does not have a GUI available. If you use this option, skip Step 3a. Note: The Cognos application server and associated components should not be running at this time.
- Run the following command: <Cog
nosB I_In stal l_Di r>/C ogno sBI/ bin6 4/co gcon fig. sh -e /tmp /cog star tup_ unen cryp ted. xm l - Edit /tmp
/cog star tup_ unen cryp ted. xml. Search the file for the <crn:instances name="database"> tag. Within this tag will be <username> and <password> sub-tags, which will now be unencrypted and show the actual username and password. Modify the password tag with the new password - Back up the existing <Cog
nosB I_In stal l_Di r>/c ogst artu p.xm l file and then copy /tmp /cog star tup_ unen cryp ted. xml to <Cog nosB I_In stal l_Di r> and rename it to cogstartup.xml - Run <Cog
nosB I_In stal l_Di r>/C ogno sBI/ bin6 4/co gcon fig. sh -s. This will re-encrypt the values and start the BI server - Run <Cog
nosB I_In stal l_Di r>/C ogno sBI/ bin6 4/co gcon fig. sh -stop. This will stop BI server
Step 4: Update the Metrics and Cognos data sources
- Start the Cognos application server JVM
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the WAS installation directory's java directory (e.g. set JAVA
_HOM E=C: \IBM \Web Sphe re\A ppSe rver \jav a ) - Open cogn
os-s etup .pro pert ies and update the following properties: - cognos.db.user
- cognos.db.password
- metrics.db.user
- metrics.db.password
- Run cogn
os-c onfi gure -upd ate. bat and check cogn os-c onfi gure .log for validations errors - Repeat Step 3 if the removePassword option is set to true in cogn
os-s etup .pro pert ies. Otherwise skip this step - Run tran
sfor mer- logo n-se t.ba t -cog nos. serv er.u rl=h ttp: //<y our_ serv er>/ cogn os and check tran sfor mer- logo n-se t.lo g for validation errors - Restart the Cognos application server JVM
- Start the Connections application server JVMs
- Connect to http
s:// <you r_se rver >/co gnos /ser vlet /dis patc h/ex t in a browser and log in as the Cognos administrator - Click Launch -> IBM Cognos Administration
- Navigate to Configuration -> Data Source Connections
- Click the Set properties button under the Actions column on the right and select the Signon tab.
- Click Edit the signon... to update the new Metrics database password
- Click OK twice to save the change
upda teJ2 CDat abas eAli ases .py script
import string
# The first argument is mandatory and is the new password
PASSWORD = sys.argv[0]
except (IndexError):
print 'Usage:'
print 'sys.argv = ["new_password"]'
print 'exe cfil e("u pdat eJ2C Data base Alia ses. py") '
PASSWORD = sys.argv[0]
except (IndexError):
print 'Usage:'
print 'sys.argv = ["new_password"]'
print 'exe
J2C_ DATA BASE _ALI ASES = "new sJAA SAut h:oa uthp JAAS Auth :oem bedJ AASA uth: sear chJA ASAu th:p rofi lesJ AASA uth: acti viti esJA ASAu th:b logs JAAS Auth :com muni ties JAAS Auth :hom epag eJAA SAut h:cs -con nect ions Cell 01/L CUSE R:do gear JAAS Auth :fil esJA ASAu th:f orum sJAA SAut h:me tric sJAA SAut h:wi kisJ AASA uth: mobi leJA ASAu th "
aliases = stri ng.s plit (J2C _DAT ABAS E_AL IASE S, ':')
for alias in aliases :
print "Updating " + alias + " J2C alias password"
options = '-alias ' + alias + ' -password ' + PASSWORD
Adm inTa sk.m odif yAut hDat aEnt ry([ opti ons] )
print "Updating " + alias + " J2C alias password"
options = '-alias ' + alias + ' -password ' + PASSWORD
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