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Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2014

Remote Desktop para MAC

Este é um bom aplicativo para quem precisa acessar servidores Windows no MAC. Tem o próprio da Microsoft, mas eu realmente gosto muito deste, pois é bam fácil e tem uma boa usabilidade. Fica a dica. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cord/?source=typ_redirect

Database Design for MAC OS X

Para quem usava o ERWIN no Windows e esta a busca de um similar para MAC, aqui esta uma boa indicação. http://www.malcolmhardie.com/sqleditor/features.html O software é pago, mas você pode testa-lo durante 30 dias. Gostei muito dele. Fácil de usar, interface simples e rápida. E você vai acompanhando o resultado no lado esquerdo, onde ele constrói o comando SQL para você. Ia me esquecendo, mas você pode fazer engenharia reversa com ele.

URL's bootcamp de IBM Connections Customization

Segue em anexo links dos materiais utilizados para o bootcamp de Connections: 1.  http://pt.slideshare.net/kbild/show301-make-your-ibm-connections-deployment-your-own-customize-it 2.  https://greenhouse.lotus.com/wikis/home?lang=en-us#!/wiki/Wb180e2074fa8_4f84_aa3b_ee006786065a/page/IBM%20Connections%205.0 3.  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/br/local/lotus/custom_ibm_next_generation_connections/ 4.  http://socialstudentus.com/ Sugestões de leitura: SHOW304: How to Create a Perfect Profile: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to A Smarter Workforce AD106: Customizing your document management system in a social environment Sugestões para iWidgets: http://www.lbenitez.com/2009/03/xslt-iwidget-for-lotus-connections.html http://openntf.org/main.nsf/page.xsp?name=IBM_Connections_Downloads http://kbild.ch/2014/02/google-maps-widget-ibm-connections-profiles/ IBM Social toolkit overview: http://ibmsbt.openntf.org/

Sample - Dialog for Terms and Conditions - IBM Connections

There are two parts to this, the OSGi package that contains the dialog code, and a customized header.jsp file that checks for the cookies, both attached to this mail. Installing 1) Install OSGi - Copy the  com.tandc.example_1.0.0.jar file to your <provisionDir>/webresources directory. The <provisionDir> is shown in the WebSphere environment variable CONNECTIONS_PROVISION_PATH . The name of the jar must be kept as is. 2) Install JSP - Copy the header.jsp file to the <customizationDir>/common/nav/templates directory. Remember to also set the other customization settings such as the CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_DEBUG variable. The only bit that matters is the <script> section at the bottom, so if you're already using a customized file just copy the <script> section over. 3) Restart the Common application (or the entire server). 4) Clear cookies and log into Connections After you log in the Terms and Conditions dialog will be displayed. You must tick th...

Filtros por grupos no TDI - profiles_tdi.properties

Precisei automatizar a inclusão de usuários no IBM Connections a partir de grupos no AD. Para tanto, optei por usar o filtro direto no AD conforme modelo abaixo. A linha original foi comentada: #source_ldap_search_base=DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp #source_ldap_search_filter=(objectClass=*) E alterada pela abaixo para que pudesse selecionar somente os usuários que são membros dos grupos G_CNT_ADM, G_CNT_USR_TEC_PRD e G_CNT_USR_NEG_PRD. source_ldap_search_base =OU=USUARIOS,DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp source_ldap_search_filter =(&(sAMAccountName=*)(objectCategory=user)(|(memberOf=CN=CN=G_CNT_ADM,OU=GRUPOS_SISTEMAS,OU=GRUPOS,DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp,DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp)(memberOf=CN=G_CNT_USR_TEC_PRD,OU=GRUPOS_SISTEMAS,OU=GRUPOS,DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp)(memberOf=CN=G_CNT_USR_NEG_PRD,OU=GRUPOS_SISTEMAS,OU=GRUPOS,DC=corp1,DC=rc,DC=xyzcorp))) Depois é só colocar na crontab do linux para rodar nos horários que vc deseja. Pode-se utilizar o SynchAll_dns.sh ou gerar o arquivo ...

Does IBM Support Apple's OS X 10.10 Yosemite?

News Abstract This technote contains questions and answers pertaining to installing and running IBM Notes on Apple's OS X 10.10.x Yosemite. Content Does IBM Support Apple's OS X 10.10 Yosemite? IBM will announce support OS X 10.10 to align closely with the official OS X 10.10 Yosemite release in the fall of 2014. What versions of IBM Notes will be supported on Apple's OS X 10.10 Yosemite? At a minimum, IBM Notes 9.0.1 with 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 or above will be required for support. Testing with the final release of OS X 10.10 will determine if any additional patches will be required. Are there any known issues?  Until the release is public, we will be unable to comment specifically beyond 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2, which has some code changes in it for compatibility. IBM is also preparing a Notes 9.0.1 slipstream to coincide closely with the release of OS X 10.10.

Integração Filenet e Portal

1. WCM Social Rendering - this is a specialized approach if you happen to mean the instance of FileNet used by Connections, and the libraries created in Connections Content Manager. There is a generalization of this pattern though that will apply to any FileNet instance, which leads us to:   2. Pluggable List Framework - this is a generalization of the WCM Social Rendering which allows WCM to render content from external datasource. For a FileNet customer who just wants to render a dynamic list of stuff from FileNet in their portal, maybe with links pointing to FileNet UIs like Navigator, this is the way to go. You could further use something like Web Application Bridge (WAB) or Web Application Integrator (WAI) to integrate the full IBM Content Navigator UI.   3. Navigator UI Framework - a set of Dijits provided by FileNet in IBM Content Navigator for building document management UIs. For a FileNet customer who wants highly specialized or customizable document manageme...

Here's how to change the Database credentials used-by the JAAS aliases

Here's how to change the Database credentials used-by the JAAS aliases: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcwiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Connections+4.5+Documentation#action=openDocument&res_title=Changing_references_to_database_administrative_credentials_ic45&content=pdcontent And here's how to change the UserID assigned to connectionsAdmin: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcwiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Connections+4.5+Documentation#action=openDocument&res_title=Changing_references_to_administrative_credentials_ic45&content=pdcontent&sa=true 

Ferramentas para trabalhar nos temas do IBM Connections

Não existem muitas ferramentas para que você possa trabalhar no tema e muito menos uma documentação do que alterar, quem é quem no css, etc. No Chrome e no Firefox é bem mais tranquilo, você pode usar o firebug que funciona bem e ajuda muito. No caso do IE, será uma grande dor de cabeça, e você pode usar o F12 Developer Tools . O grande dificultador do IE é que existem várias versões e cada uma delas renderiza de forma diferente, entào se você fez funcionar o seu tema na versão 9, teste em todas as outras versões que com certeza não será igual a versão anterior testada. Outro ponto de atenção é com relação ao modo de compatibilidade do browser ativa ou não, eles na mesma versão do browser, renderizam de forma diferente. Fique atento a este ponto. No IBM Connections 5 o tema default já é o IBM Next Gen, por isto, você já pode se acostumar com ele, pois o encontrará em todas as instalações do Connections 5. Existe um artigo que escrevi sobre o tema do Next Gen. Acesse aqui  ...

Erro aplicar CR5 no IBM Connections 4.5

Problem title Failed to perform extraction error when applying a CR or IFixes to IBM Connections 4.5 . Problem description Error to apply fixes on Connections. Database was modified with the script. Failed to perform extraction error when applying a CR or IFixes to IBM Connections 4.5.   IBM Connections with no fixes. Trying to apply (Text mode) CR5. Solução http://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21382867 THIRD - When is the EJBDeploy Eclipse OSGI cache normally cleared in WebSphere Application Server v6.x/7.x/8.0.x? During install/uninstall of WebSphere Application Server 6.x/7.x/8.0.x FixPack (FP) , a WebSphere Application Server config action is run which executes ...

Erro ibm connections 5 - net.jazz.ajax.internal.util.TraceSupport error A dependency on "com.ibm.lconn.core.styles.oneui3/gen4Theme/package3RTL.css.css" could not be resolved

Would it be possible to temporarily back out the customizations and see if the issue still occurs?  If so, here's how to do it:                                                                                         - Shutdown Connections.                                                                                                                         - Create a backup of the customization directory.                 ...

Mover usuários e conteúdo de connections

DomainPatrol Social is the ultimate tool for managing, moving and merging users and content in IBM Connections. Do you have IBM Connections installed and starting to realize that all your content is not moving with you? Is your content stuck where you once created it? Let the users trust IBM Connections with their highly valued business content. We have a powerful, yet simple solution. DomainPatrol Social can move and merge any content, and also manage user roles. Clean up your IBM Connections environment for less support, and issues regarding upgrades. http://www.infoware.eu/products/domainpatrol-social